marți, 29 martie 2011


In this issue... Editorial Board
As the audit, merger and development of IDEA's online resources continues, IDEA UK has appointed the first six members to the web content's Editorial Board. The EB will help to ensure the highest possible standard of online debate, reviewing areas in which its members have expertise and lending their wisdom to the discussion.
Dr Alexander Betts is Hedley Bull Senior Research Fellow in International Relations, Director of the Global Migration Governance Project and a Fellow of Wadham College at the University of Oxford. The author of several books on migration and refugees, he has acted as a consultant to UNHCR and the Council of Europe.
Claire Fox is founder and director of the Institute of Ideas, established to create a public space where ideas can be contested without constraint. She is a former editor of Living Marxism magazine, a regular on the BBC and writes frequently for national newspapers.
Alex Massie is a journalist for the Spectator magazine. He previously spent five years as a Washington correspondent and has contributed to The Scotsman, The Daily Telegraph, The New Republic and others. He won the national debating championship in 1997.
Paul Richards is author of Labour's Revival, Tony Blair In His Own Words, How To Win An Election and Be Your Own Spin Doctor. A former special adviser to two cabinet ministers, he is a regular columnist for Progress and LabourList and has written for The Guardian.
Matthew Sinclair is director of the TaxPayers' Alliance, which campaigns for lower taxes in the UK. He is an accomplished media performer, appearing on the BBC, Sky, Bloomberg and others. He is a former World Masters debating champion.
Revd Dr James Robson is Senior Tutor at Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford. He leads tutorial teaching for the BA in Theology and prepares candidates for ordination. He previously taught for nine years at Oak Hill Theological College.
And this is just the beginning for an Editorial Board which will be international in scope.
Results - Saint George, City of Debate V
The fifth Saint George, City of Debate tournament was the biggest ever in Romania with over 300 participants from Botoşani, Bucureşti, Buhuşi, Chişinău, Cluj-Napoca, Constanţa, Horezu, Hunedoara, Iaşi, Ploieşti, Sighetu Marmaţiei, Timişoara, Târgu Ocna and Turda.
The final gathered over 400 viewers in the Saint George theatre. In front of an enthusiastic public, the jury announced the Banat team from Debate Club Chrome, lead by Radu Stoita, winners of the championship.
The winning debate team of 3 girls (Adelina Voiculescu, Fometescu Adina, Cercega Lidia) won golden medals, first-place diplomas, awards, flowers, a trophy (made by the Saint George artist Ramon Grosos) along with the Saint George, City of Debate trophy that will remain in Banat until the next edition of the tournament. In second place came the three young debaters from Saint George, Andreea Cucu, Simina Gheorghincă and Ioan Ganea jr.
The top three speakers of the competition were Iulia Vladu and Vlad Icleanu (both from Timisoara, Banat) and Simina Gheorghinca (from Saint George).
Participants were able to enjoy not only the tournament, but other activities including football, paintball, bowling, squash and parties. Between 9-11 March 2012 the city will host the Saint George, City of Debate tournament for a sixth time.
News Update – HWS Round Robin
The field of invited teams is now confirmed as: Ateneo de Manila, Claremont, Edinburgh, Hart House, Leiden, McGill, MIT, Oxford, NUS, Stanford, UCD Law Society, University of New South Wales, Vermont, Wits, Yale A and B.
These exceptional teams will be met by adjudicators of an equally high calibre, including Leela Koenig, Loke Wing Fatt, Alex Worsnip, Peter Neilson, Rhydian Morgan, Simone van Elk, Mary Nugent, TJ and many more.
Enjoying the incredible hospitality of Hobart and William Smith Colleges will also be 8 student observers from Peking University and 4 from Tshwane University of Technology.
IDEA will be live-streaming the debates. For more details, visit
IDEA Youth Forum 2011
Don’t forget that registration for the Youth Forum is open! There are limited spots available so make sure you register within the April 30 deadline and fill out the whole form that is available in the registration (hyperlink to section of the website.
During the registration process you may find out that you have many questions concerning the event, fees, selection procedure, and so on. A lot of people ask the same questions and that’s why the Youth Forum team have put together the FAQ section of the website. Here you’ll find answers to questions about the selection procedure, how to apply for a fee waiver, the dress code, the program. Still haven’t found the answer to your question? Contact Hanneke, and she’ll be happy to answer.
The trainers are selected, venues are prepared, transportation is arranged for, the extended preparation time topics are announced and the evening program is being finalized. If you have always wondered who is behind the scenes of all of these preparations, look up In the “Youth Forum 2011” section you’ll discover the names, bios and pictures of the organization team, curriculum committee and participants’ selection committee.
For more information go to: or contact Hanneke.
The Global Debates
The Spring Campaign of The Global Debates is going ahead in full speed! Schools have started submitting their activities in order to gather points towards the Campaign's numerous prizes - including fully paid for team spots for this year's Youth Forum.
The past week's spotlight belongs to the students from the Evanjelicke Gymnazium Tisovec high school in Slovakia, who shared their activities with their fellow students and the broader community through a number of press clippings they submitted to us. There, we found out that they are planning to cooperate with the immigration centre in Bratislava as part of their involvement with The Global Debates.
Also, the students from the Grover Cleveland High School in the United States have submitted their research blog on migration. You can read their very interesting posts and comment on them on the Campaign's Facebook page.
Register Now – Heart of Europe Open 2011
Back for its 8th year, the Heart of Open is open for registration now. The tournament will run from 10th to 15th July 2011 in Olomouc, Czech Republic, and is open to secondary and high school students.
The team cap is 60 teams and the format is World Schools. Last year's tournament welcomed speakers from 17 countries including China, South Africa, Israel, USA and Canada to expect a diverse field and a friendly, welcoming event.
For more information, please visit the website or the Facebook page. Alternatively, you can email the Chief Organiser, Roman Petr, via
Register Now – Fiat!Debate 2011
“Let it be debate” says Chief Adjudicator Sabin Ciornea, who invites you to the mountain resort Sinaia between April 29th and May 1st 2011 for Fiat!Debate - “the first international tournament in Romania” according to Sabin.
There is no registration fee for international teams, yet there are big plans including a Treasure Hunt competition and Nations' Evening.
April 1st is the registration deadline. You can find out more on the website and contact the organisers on fiat!
The Official e-newsletter of the International Debate Education Association, March 28,

luni, 28 martie 2011


Ne vedem miercuri seara, de la 19.00 pe scena din centrul oraşului la lansarea seriei de evenimente SFÂNTU GHEORGHE, ORAŞ DE 550 DE ANI!

SIMINA GHEORGHINCĂ are onoarea de a reprezentanta clubul nostru de debate la eveniment...


miercuri, 23 martie 2011



The Saint George Debate Club thanks the over 300 participants of the fith edition of Saint George, City of Debate tournament that made the biggest debate tournament ever in Romania possible.
Achievements were made starting with the team of judges (69 students or profesors, most of which were regional, national or international champions), led by our Saint George champion, Radu Cotarcea, and continuing with the 234 debaters, divided in 78 teams from Botoşani, Bucureşti, Buhuşi, Chişinău, Cluj-Napoca, Constanţa, Horezu, Hunedoara, Iaşi, Ploieşti, Sighetu Marmaţiei, Timişoara, Târgu Ocna, Turda.
Three preliminary rounds were held in 38 classrooms at the „Mihai Viteazul” National High-school, and on Saturday night octo-finals were held after which only 8 teams prepared for the quater-finals on Sunday.
The quater and octo-finals enjoyed a large public and the final gathered over 400 viewers in the Saint George theatre. In front of an enthusiastic public, the jury (consisting of 7 highly apreciated judges) announced the Banat team from Debate Club Chrome, lead by Radu Stoita, winners of the championship. The winning debate team formed by 3 girls (Adelina Voiculescu, Fometescu Adina, Cercega Lidia) managed to win the golden medals, first-place diplomas, awards, flowers, a trophy (made by the Saint George artist Ramon Grosos) alog with the Saint George, City of Debate trophy that will remain in Banat this year, until the next edition of the tournament. On second place, but obviously the public favourites, came the three young debaters from Saint George, Andreea Cucu, Simina Gheorghincă and Ioan Ganea jr., a solid team with a great future ahead, that we hope with our whole hearts will continue the debating preformance tradition of the Saint George Debate Club.
The first three speakers of the competition were also from the two cities that battled in the final, first and second place were won by Iulia Vladu and Vlad Icleanu (both from Timisoara, Banat) and comming on third place Simina Gheorghinca (from Saint George).
With the satisfaction that most of the participants felt very good regarding the tournament, considering both the actual competition and other activities that they were able to enjoy (football, paintball, bowling, squash, party), we hope that Saint George has once again fully confirmed its title of  Romanias Debate Capital, and that next year, between 9-11 March 2012 the city will host the Saint George, City of Debate tournament at its sixth edition. 
Final regards go out to the 22 voluntaires without whom everything would have been nearly impossible, also special regards to the board of directors of „Mihai Viteazul” National High-school, „Mihes Kelemen” and Palace of Children, the hosts of the competition, and also to the tabmaster Stefan Strilciuc, and, special thanks for the partners of the event, to all the firms and people that helped us every step of the way, because the only way we will be better is together!
We love Saint George!

(*thanks for translate, Simina Gheorghinca)

marți, 15 martie 2011

luni, 14 martie 2011




Debate Club Sfântu Gheorghe mulţumeşte celor peste 300 de participanţi la a V-a ediţie a Openului de Dezbateri Academice, SAINT GEORGE, CITY OF DEBATE, care au făcut posibilă cea mai amplă desfăşurare de forţe din debate-ul românesc din toate timpurile.
          Performanţele au început cu echipa de arbitri, condusă de campionul nostru din Sfântu Gheorghe, Radu Cotarcea, formată din 69 de studenţi sau profesori, printre care majoritatea foştilor campioni naţionali şi regionali, multiplii participanţi la concursuri interne şi internaţionale, şi au continuat cu cei 234 debateri, împărţiţi în 78 de echipe din Botoşani, Bucureşti, Buhuşi, Chişinău, Cluj-Napoca, Constanţa, Horezu, Hunedoara, Iaşi, Ploieşti, Sighetu Marmaţiei, Timişoara, Târgu Ocna, Turda.
          La Colegiul Naţional Mihai Viteazul au avut loc 3 runde de calificări în 38 de săli de clasă, iar seara de sâmbătă a adus optimile concursului, după care numai 8 echipe s-au pregătit pentru eliminatoriile de duminică.
Sferturile şi semifinalele au umplut până la refuz Amfiteatrul CNMV, iar Finala a adunat peste 400 de spectatori la Sala Mare a Teatrului din Sfântu Gheorghe. În faţa unui public entuziast, juriul format din 7 membrii extrem de bine cotaţi, au ales echipa campioană din acest an din Banat, de la clubul Chrome, condus de Radu Stoiţa, în persoana celor 3 fete: Adelina Voiculescu, Fometescu Adina, Cercega Lidia. Acestea au reuşit să obţină medaliile de aur, diplomele, cupele, premiile, florile, trofeul original, efectuat de artistul din Sfântu Gheorghe, Ramon Grosos, dar şi cupa transmisibilă, care va poposi timp de un an de zile în vestul ţării. Pe locul al doilea, dar, evident, favoriţii publicului, au fost cei trei tineri debateri din Sfântu Gheorghe, Andreea Cucu, Simina Gheorghincă şi Ioan Ganea jr., o echipă solidă şi de mare viitor, care sperăm din toată inima să continue tradiţia performanţelor în debate ale clubului din Sfântu Gheorghe.
Primii trei vorbitori ai competiţiei au fost tot din cele 2 oraşe care s-au înfruntat şi în finală, locul I şi II, timişorenii Iulia Vladu şi Vlad Icleanu, iar pe locul al treilea, a noastră Simina Gheorghincă.
Cu satisfacţia că impresiile majorităţii participanţilor au fost bune şi foarte bune, atât despre competiţie, dar şi despre activităţile extra-concurs, fotbal, paintball, bowling, squash, party, sperăm că Sfântu Gheorghe şi-a reconfirmat din plin renumele de Capitala Dezbaterilor din România, iar la anul, între 9-11 martie 2012 oraşul va vibra din nou la a VI-a ediţie SAINT GEORGE, CITY OF DEBATE.
Mulţumirile de final se îndreaptă către cei 22 de voluntari fără de care totul ar fi fost mult mai greu, dacă nu imposibil, faţă de conducerile Colegiului Naţiuonal Mihai Viteazul, Mikes Kelemen şi Palatul Copiilor, gazde excelente pentru participanţi, o menţiune specială pentru atenţia tabmasterului Ştefan Strilciuc, dar şi pentru partenerii evenimentului, societăţi comerciale sau oameni simpli care ne-au ajutat fiecare cu ce a putut, pentru că NUMAI ÎMPREUNĂ SUNTEM MAI BUNI!

Mădălin Guruianu
Iniţiator şi Responsabil „SAINT GEORGE, CITY OF DEBATE”


Saint George, City of Debate V
Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania
11-13 martie

78 ECHIPE (ordine alfabetica)

71 AES A (Stefan Curca/Cristina Badea/Radu Bitu)
72 AES B (Valeria Oncean/Cristian Georgescu/Claudia Bratosin)
73 AES C (Teodor Anton/Bianca Chivaran/Oana Enache)
74 AES D (Malina Tache/Andreea Ionescu/Loredana Paraschiv)
87 AES E (Ana Dobrescu/Liana Simion/Andra Soceanu)
88 AES F (Rares Fogas/Oana Matasel/Octavia Galion)
29 Balcescu A (Alina Pustan/Maria Moldovan/Diana Pintea)
30 Balcescu B (Georgiana Bigea/Ioana Preda/Calin Timbus)
31 Balcescu C (Irina Suatean/Mihai Morar/Calin Rus)
42 Banat A (Iulia Vladu/Dragos Ardelean/Vlad Icleanu)
43 Banat B (Dan Bade/Alex Barzan/Diana Icleanu)
44 Banat C (Carol Sescu/Mihai Bujanca/Anca Popa)
45 Banat D (Adelina Voiculescu/Fometescu Adina/Cercega Lidia)
46 Banat E (Alex Arcan/Andra Velea/Bogdan Vieru)
47 Banat F (Ignat Anamaria/Crasoveanu Laura/Bacsi Csabi)
59 Botos. A (Ana Zemlicof/Diana Hriscu/Marianciuc Vlad)
60 Botos. B (Loredana Birsan/Andreea Nicoleta Popovic/Razvan Cercel)
85 Botos. C (Buchi Tudor/Stanchievici Eduard/Stefan Patatu)
86 Botos. D (Sotropa Alexandru/Campanu Alexandru/Ungureanu Florentina)
61 Brasov A (Anca Stanescu/Antonia Sencovici/Sonia Duta)
62 Brasov B (Melek Kaftar/Diana Moiseanu/Nita Iulia)
90 Bucuresti Lazar A (Tudor Mircea/Popescu Alin/Sergiu Vasilescu)
91 Bucuresti Lazar B (Grigoras Bianca/Vicol Anca/Caramchai Georgiana)
92 Bucuresti Lazar C (Ionescu Irina/Popa Madalina/Belibau Andrei)
22 Caragiale A (Vasile Marius/Denisa Mitroi/Ghimpeteanu Daniela)
24 Central A (Alina Bucsa/Ruxandra Circiu/Alexandra Voicu)
26 Central B (Adriana Panait/Irina Lache/Niculaie Mihai)
27 Central C (Ana Cruceanu/Eli Ionescu/Tiu Andrei)
28 Central D (Elena Mohamed Newal/Diana Trasnea/Lenghel Simona)
81 Constanta A (Andreea Marin/Tanurca Andrei/Alexandru Mehedinti)
18 Creanga A (Ana Maria Radoveanu/Theodor Ionut Stanbeca/Larisa Banuta)
19 Creanga B (Mihalcea Bianca/Cristina Surdu/Simion Teodora)
20 Creanga C (Adrian Dinca/Catalin Neagu/Pitiga Mara)
21 Creanga D (Catalin Negrea/Andrei Matei/Dumitrache Ana)
10 Horez. A (Matache Ioana Roxana/Elena Raluca Grigorescu/Capitanu Roxana)
11 Horez. B (Savulescu Ioan Paul/Mihai Cioinica/Nitescu Teodor)
7 Huned. A (Bogdan Ciuculescu/Monica Pop/Alexandra Hulban)
32 Info A (Sonia Manasses/Alexandra Neag/George Dragan)
33 Info B (Georgiana Mircean/Andrea Iordachescu/Demeter Anca)
65 MIasi A (Stefana Popa/Roxana Suflet/Andrei Amariucai)
66 MIasi B (Laura Raus/Ioana Maftei/Darie Ioan)
57 Moldova Buhusi A (Cristina Dochia/Cristina Rusu/Carina Balas)
58 Moldova Buhusi B (Octavian Marangoci/Victor Mares/Sebastian Politic)
12 Pache A (Ana Popescu/Reinertson Kelsey/Ioana Gabi)
13 Pache B (Teodora Ocrain/Maria Mihai/Chirciu Andreea)
14 Pache C (Carmen Turcu/Ioana Ungureanu/Gheorghe Cristina)
15 Pache D (Maria Modan/Andrei Vlasceanu/Bereczky Bianca)
17 Pache E (Sabina Aionesei/Koszegi Lorant/Stelea Andrei)
16 Pache F (Ioana Ghita/Adham El Habashi/Dragomir Serban)
56 Ploiesti ARGO A (Eduard Ionescu/Laura Stan/Valentin Ionescu)
50 Ploiesti ARGO B (Ioana-Gabriela Vasile/Andra Patrascu/Nicolae Ruxandra)
51 Ploiesti ARGO C (Sorin Nita/Laura Gheorghe/Teodor Moise)
52 Ploiesti ARGO D (Alexandra Voinea/Viviana Tureac/Stefania Ionescu)
53 Ploiesti ARGO E (Mihai Oprea/Alina Macelaru/Bogdan Pelin)
55 Ploiesti ARGO F (Teodor Sovaiala/Laura Dragoi/Andrei Olaru)
36 Racovita A (Lucia Lupea/Cosmina Pascaru/Diana Zagrean)
35 Racovita B (Bogdan Gliga/Bogdan Morosanu/Bogdan Stupariu)
37 Racovita C (Mihaela Mirel/Andreea Pirvan/Vlad Ardeleanu)
39 Racovita D (Alina Lupsa/Oana Muresan/Anda Prunea)
40 Racovita E (Alexandra Beke/Miruna Semenescu/Andrei Olteanu)
41 Racovita F (Septimiu Moldovan/Sergiu Sucala/Maria Sabau)
83 Racovita G (Alex Sfarlea/Andra Mocan/Alex Onitiu)
1 Rep. Moldova A (Vlad Muntean/Mardari Monica/Pociumban Mihai)
2 Rep. Moldova B (Olga Simon/Bolohan Ecaterina/Brega Radu)
3 Rep. Moldova C (Radu Cotrobai/Vasile Furdui/Fala Irina)
4 Rep. Moldova D (Silvia Verdes/Jangau Nicolae/Bordeianu Mihai)
6 Rep. Moldova E (Gherasim Vasile/Gueac Ion/Ceapa Corina)
76 Sfantu Gheorghe A (Andreea Bologa/Benko Ida/Elisa Imbrea)
77 Sfantu Gheorghe B (Andreea Cucu/Simina Gheorghinca/Ioan Ganea 
78 Sfantu Gheorghe C (Silvia Nistor/Dragos Muntean/Mihai Profiroiu)
79 Sfantu Gheorghe D (Felicia Marinescu/Ana Iutes/Diana Cojocaru)
80 Sfantu Gheorghe E (Alexandra Mesaros/Victor Bolog/Raluca Popa)
89 Sfantu Gheorghe F (Cojocaru Andreea/Gherghe Valeriu/Lapadar Puiu)
63 Sighetu Marmatiei A (Mirela Bota/Dragos Paula/Ulici Claudia)
75 Targoviste A (Serena Balan/Teodor Dumitrescu/Adina Radu)
70 Targu Ocna A (Marian Spoiala/Andrei Ababei/Marius Petcu)
67 Turda A (Gelu Palacean/Roxana Manaila/Bucur Marcela)
68 Turda B (Anamaria Bucur/Diana Dragoste/Cristina Chiorean

duminică, 13 martie 2011


un sondaj de cateva minute pentru tine, dar o editie mult mai buna la anul pentru intreaga lume a debate/ului... multumim!

duminică, 6 martie 2011


Pentru că mai sunt puţine zile până urmează să ne întâlnim la Sfântu Gheorghe, vă împărtăşesc o seamă de extravaganţe pe care vi le puteţi permite prin urbea noastră în week-endul următor.
Înscrierile se pot face prin mail la, sau la înscrierea în competitie, dar in functie de locurile ramase disponibile veti putea participa la evenimentele extraconcurs din oras. Pe langa faptul ca veti primi fiecare harta cu orasul Sfantu Gheorghe, in fiecare dintre locurile unde vor avea loc evenimente, veti fi condusi / asteptati de voluntari.

Joi 10.03,
ora 18.00 Profetul Ilia, spectacol de teatru în limba maghiară, cu supratitrare în limba română,
preţ bilet 10 lei

Vineri 11.03
20.00 - 22.00 Paintball în sală amenajată, 10 persoane / meci în 2 echipe, închiriere echipament şi 100 bile fiecare - 18 lei / persoană
20.00 - 22.00 Squash, 30 lei/oră
22.00 - 23.30 Fotbal, teren sintetc, 180 lei / 1.30h.

Sâmbătă 12.03
18.00 - 19.30 SEPSI BC - Rapid, baschet feminin, preţ bilet 5 lei
18.00 - 19.30 "Poveşti de familie", spectacol la Teatrul "Andrei Mureşanu", preţ bilet 7 lei
21.00 - Party şi karaoke în "Bastion Caffe"

Cu speranţa că vă veţi simţi bine în oraşul nostru, vă aşteptăm cu drag în scurt timp la Sfântu Gheorghe. I LOVE SAINT GEORGE!